YR Hacktronic G2 Brushless Sensored ESC & Program Card

RCDriver_Online – a RC Youtuber had cooperated with rcMart to operate a Yeah Racing Hacktronic G2 Brushless ESC Review project and he will select a lucky man to get a free set of Hacktronic G2 Brushless ESC. And here is the Lucky Man who be selected!

Credit: RCDriver_Online Jan 8, 2020
//Did you miss us? Greg has been under the weather for the past few weeks and hasn’t been able to drive an RC car much less make a video. But he’s back on his feet and getting back into the groove. To start off the season of 2020 videos, we’re giving away the Yeah Racing Hacktronic G2 Brushless Electronic Speed Control available through rcMart along with some accessories. The video about the Yeah Racing Hacktronic G2 Brushless ESC Overview and Giveaway can be found in the link below if you want to know all about it’s features. This video is purely to pick the winner. Thank you to everyone who took the time to enter! !//

Hacktronic G2 Specication:-

Length: 41.2mm (Including Posts)
Width: 33.3mm
Height: 19.9mm
Max Current: 110A
Weight: 43g (Excluding Wires)
Voltage Input: 4.8 – 9.9V
Motor Limit: Over 5.5 Turns
B.E.C: 6V or 7.2V / 5A

Change all the settings on your Yeah Racing G2 ESC or even update the firmware on your ESC when they get released through uploading it onto an SD card!

About Hacktronic G2 ESC

Yeah Racing Hacktronic G2 Brushless Sensored ESC & Program Card is available now! Generation 2 of Yeah Racing’s Hacktronic Brushless ESC features updated firmware and software which brings it up to date to current requirements. The ability to read statistics from your most recent run allows you fine tune ESC settings or gearing to the utmost precision. For racing, this ESC can be set to “blinky” mode for racing in stock classes or setting it up with boost and turbo for drifting! A wide window of brake settings allow for the use for a wide range of motors. The 30mm Yeah Racing Tornado fan included keeps things cool when running in hot conditions or low turn motors. Included is a small sized fast cycle capacitor, allowing for installation in chassis’s with limited room.

And the Program Card for Hacktronic G2 ESC (#HTN-G2P). It can change all the settings on your Yeah Racing G2 ESC or even update the firmare on your ESC when they get released through uploading it onto a SD card!

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