High-accuracy CNC machined aluminum hop ups parts to upgrade your Tamiya BT-01 RC Touring Car. Good Quality, Design & Prices from Yeah Racing! Get it from our dealers today!
Model: TAMB-006BU
Description:Two piece aluminum and graphite damper mount for your Tamiya MB01, lightweight and durable!..
Model: TAMB-001BU
Description:Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TAMB-004BU
Description:Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TAMB-015BU
Description:Aluminum chassis brace, which also seconds as a fan mount with the included 540 tornado fan to keep your motor cool!..
Model: TABT-S01BU
Description:Upgrade your Tamiya 2wd tourer with this aluminum upgrade package, strengthening your chassis through upgrading key components!..
Model: TAMB-005BU
Description:Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TAMB-010BU
Description:Securely mount the servo on your Tamiya MB-01 with this aluminum servo mount, can also act as a heatsink for high power servos!..
Model: TAMB-007BU
Description:Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TAMB-003BU
Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TAMB-002BU
Description:Aluminum upgrade series for the Tamiya MB-01, upgrade critical parts on the car to get more performance!..
Model: TSAS-0018
Description:Titanium upgrade screw pacakge, replace all the screws to lower weight and the chance of rusting screws after running your rc in the wet!..
Model: DF03RA-015BK
Description:This is Yeah Racing Universal Steel Swing Shaft for Tamiya DF03RA / TA04 / TT01 / TT01E Series...
Showing 1 to 12 of 12 (1 Pages)